Hier finden Sie die Vergleichsformen (Steigerungsstufen) zum Adjektiv »stark« sowie die flektierten Formen zum Komparativ. Info Regeln zur Rechtschreibung: stark [schütteln, werden …


superlative forms. Comparison takes place either inflectionally, e.g. stark. 'strong' —stark-are 'stronger'—stark-ast 'strongest', or by using the pre- modifiers mer 

The superlative form of an adjective is used to show something has a quality to the greatest or least degree. The superlative form of an adverb is used to show something has performed an action to the greatest or least degree. Formation of Superlative Adjectives. As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative adjective: short adjectives: add "-est". long adjectives: use "most".

Stark superlative form

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Adjektivets grundform (a) kallas positiv. De andra två formerna kallas komparativ (b) och superlativ  De tre komparationsformerna för adjektiv heter på svenska positiv, komparativ På engelska heter de positive, comparative och superlative. stark, stronger Uttrycka jämförelse: positiv- komparativ- superlativ: Schön-schöner- am Blandformer/ super stark form: efter mein/kein: som stark form, men  och som adverbial används i superlativ formen am -sten. der/die/das schwächste.

My mother is the most intelligent one in the family. The superlative form of an adverb is used to show something has performed an action to the greatest or least degree. What does Isimo mean?

The superlative form is the form with the highest intensity. Most adjectives have regular forms in comparative and superlative. There are only some exceptions, like in case an adjective has the ending “-el” or “-er”, the “e” in the comparative gets erased. “schön – schöner – schönste (n)”

The forms of superlatives vary depending on whether you're comparing adjectives, verbs, adverbs or nouns. There are also differences in form … 2021-04-12 De senaste tweetarna från @epicsuperlative When we intensify a superlative adverb, we often put the in front of the adverb: In our office, Jill works by far the hardest. Of the three brothers, Brian easily runs the fastest.

Tommy är stark men hästen är stark-are och Pippi är starkast-ast. Adjektivet har tre Den högsta jämförelseformen kallas superlativ: starkast.

snäll, prickig, stark. Adjektiv kan kompareras: positiv komparativ superlativ. När man bildar en jämförande eller superlativ grad av adjektiv, är det viktigt att endast använda ett av de möjliga suffikser / serviceord: Den enkla formen av superlativ adjektiv bildas genom att lägga till slut -est.

Stark superlative form

När man jämför olika personer/saker, använder man adjektivets komparationsformer, t.ex. a) stark; b) starkare; c) starkast. Här jämför/graderar vi egenskapen ”stark”.
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Stark superlative form

oft. warm. Superlative forms are constructed in a similar way, by adding -st(or -est) to the adjective or adverb (even if it's multisyllabic), such as "schnellst-" or "interessantest-".

This book is the longest one that I have ever read! Joseph seems to be the most excited child at the party. Comparative And Superlative Rules. With regular one syllable adjectives, to make the comparative form we simply add -er, and to make the superlative form we add -est.; For example, fast – faster – fastest.
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The declension of the adjective stark uses these forms of the comparison stark, stärker, am stärksten. The endings for the comparison in the comparative and superlative are ä-er/ä-sten.

De andra två formerna kallas komparativ (b) och superlativ  De tre komparationsformerna för adjektiv heter på svenska positiv, komparativ På engelska heter de positive, comparative och superlative. stark, stronger Uttrycka jämförelse: positiv- komparativ- superlativ: Schön-schöner- am Blandformer/ super stark form: efter mein/kein: som stark form, men  och som adverbial används i superlativ formen am -sten.

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French Superlative. Le Superlatif refers to comparisons between two or more items when one comes above all the others, such as the most/the least.. The forms of superlatives vary depending on whether you're comparing adjectives, verbs, adverbs or nouns. There are also differences in form …

(black). stark. stärker. In this exercise, you will be given a German adjective in its basic form. You must write the correct comparative and superlative forms of each adjective.

Adjectives and adverbs have a close relationship. Both are modifiers: 1) adjectives modify nouns, and 2) adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. This close relationship is why we can simply add an –ly to so many adjectives in order to create adverbs. And it’s for this reason that we cover comparative and superlative adjectives […]

Superlative: sundast (alla) sunden. Neuter. Undetermined form (ent.): Den här pojken har en stark, sund kropp. Berings sund avskiljer  Den sammansatta formen av jämförande och superlativ grad ändras på den ursprungliga formen av adjektivet (smart- math dess, En stark- mer)ett suffix th - till  Substantiv kan stå i obestämd form eller bestämd form. Obestämd positiv komparativ superlativ glad gladare gladast stark starkare starkast stor större störst. Positiv Komparativ Superlativ. ​.

When denoting one male person the -sta in the definite form of the superlative is changed to -ste (this rule is often  adjective pronouns, with many case, number, and gender forms, is now reduced to three water' but all-0 sddan-0 stark-0 konjak 'all such strong brandy'. It is which is the superlative form of the positive mdnga bilar; compare rnycket bilar. av E Engdahl · 2017 — degree. In Swedish, elative superlatives are formally distinct from ordinary superlatives (they lack (R). 9 " markerar extra stark betoning (se SAG del 1 s. 13).